Wednesday, October 30, 2019

MySQL Database

MySQL is a open source relational database management system.The name of MySQL is consisted with two names."My" is the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter."SQL" the abbreviation for "Structured Query Language".  

The original author of the MySQL is the Swedish company MySQL AB.It is bought by Sun Micro-systems. The developer is Oracle organization.the initial release was happened 24 years ago,on 23rd May 1995.the programs are written from C,C++ high level language programs.And also it is supported to the operation systems that are Linux,Solaris,mac-OS,Windows and FreeBSD. The type of the database management system RDBMS.

MySQL is a free and open-source software.It has use the General Public License (GNU) and it is available in variety proprietary of licenses.

MySQL is a component of the LAMP web application software stack.MySQL is used many database driven applications.Those are Drupe,Joomla,phpBB and WordPress. Not only that MySQL is used in many websites.those are Facebook,twitter,MediaWiki,You tube.

MySQL is worked on many system platforms.those are AX,BSDs,FreeBSD,HP-UX, eComStation, 15/OS, IRIX, Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows, NetBSD, Nov-ell Net-ware, OpenBSD, Open-Solaris, OS/2 warp , QNX, Oracle Solaris, Symbian, Suns, SCO Open-server, SCO Unix-ware,

The client libraries are used dual-licensing distribution.they are offered GPL 2nd version.there is free supports available in different IRC channels.And also oracle has offered paid support thorough MySQL enterprises products.they are in different service scope and prices.In addition, third party organisation are existed to provide support and services.It has positive reviews and reviwers.

History of the MySQL

MySQL is founded by Davd Axmark,Alan Larsson and Michael Wideninus.
Michael Wideninus

first version of MySQL was based only on the personal usage.It was mSQL and it was written on low level language.creators were focused on too slow and inflexible.They were happened to create new SQL interface while keeping the same API as mSQL. As this difficulties developers were focused to use MySQL instead of mSQL.

MySQL is offered two different editions.
  1. Open source community server
  2. Proprietary enterprise server
The MySQL enterprise server use proprietary extension series which are installed as server plugins.But those are shared the version numbering system.It has built from same code base.

Major features available in MySQL

  • Cross-Platform support.
  • Triggers
  • Cursors
  • A board subset of ANSI SQL 99
  • Extensions
  • Information schema
  • A set of SQL mode options to control run time behavior
  • Distributed transaction processing support
  • Online Data Definition Language
  • Transactions with savepoints
  • SSL support
  • Query catching
  • sub-selects
  • Build in replication support
  • Embedded database library
  • Unicode support
  • Full text indexing and searching
  • Multiple storage engines
  • Native storage engines
  • commit grouping and gathering multiple transactions from multiple connections

There are some limitations in MySQL

  • When we are using some storage engines,MySQL doesn't comply with the full SQL standard for some implemented functionality.
  • Triggers are limited to one per action or timing.
  • There are many inbuilt functionalities in MySQL.  

Project forks

MySQL is existed many variety project forks.
  • Current
          Percona server for MySQL
  • Abandoned
      Web scale SQL

There are some user interfaces

  • Graphical user intrfaces
        MySQL workbench
        Database workbench
        LibreOffice Base
        Sequel pro
        Toad for MySQL

  • Command-line interfaces

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